Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Make Matrix effect using Batch File


You can get information about Batch File in our previous article. What is Batch File.
In this article you will learn to make Matrix effect in Batch file. Matrix effect is the effect which will repeat some texts in DOS again and again in the sequence from up to down. You can assign any color to the text you want to show and can write anything you want.

Steps To Make Matrix Effect

1: Open Note pad. By clicking right click on desktop screen and after that click New → Text Document.

2: Write the following command in note pad.

@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random%
%random% Hacked by Graspinfo.blogspot.com %random%
%random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start

3: Now save the file as ".bat" i.e go to files → Save as → write any name like Internet Explorer or any thing → Select "All files" option in Save as type and hit save.

4: Now Run that file and see what you have created. Send it to your friend and enjoy.


In the text of matrix you can change color or Text.
  • To change color Replace "02" with any number like 01 will show dark blue, 03 will show light blue and so on.

  • To change the text you want to show Replace "Hacked by Graspinfo.blogspot.com" with the text you want to show.

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Written by

Dawood Bukhari is a young blogger and passionate researcher. He writes articles on bloggging,SEO,Hacking and Computer Technology Follow him @ Twitter | Facebook


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